Cheongsam CornerEast Meets Dress Clothing How to wear Belts with Skirts

How to wear Belts with Skirts

What are some good guidelines for selecting belts to wear with skirts to work? visitor S wonders…
I’d like it if you might do a round up or a exactly how to wear belts with skirts. I like the look of belts with skirts as well as I’m not truly sure exactly how to pick which width to go with or to coordinate colors.

We’ve talked about using belts— in addition to the closely-related concern of when to tuck — before, however not particularly with skirts.

I’ll be honest here: I’m not much of a tucker myself, so I don’t commonly wear belts with skirts. Pencil skirt plus fitted pullover plus blazer equals outfit. in shape as well as flare skirt plus fitted cardigan equals outfit.
I have a great deal more fun, in general, with other accessories. If a skirt doesn’t in shape at the waist, I am much more likely to get it tailored than I am to try to hold it up with a belt.
{related: exactly how to stop skirts from twisting around}
So I’m curious to hear what other visitors state with tips for exactly how to wear belts with skirts.
How to wear Belts with Skirts
I don’t believe there are any type of difficult as well as quick rules — just guidelines to play around with. Some thoughts:
If you’re tucking, you don’t have to have a belt, however it can be a nice touch.  I would suggest the belt has more to do with your body type than the outfit, though — this article from Glam Radar may be practical reading.
Skirt with Belt loops = Same-Sized Belt
A skirt with belt loops is rare, however then you should match the belt to the size of the belt loops.  Even then I’d state you don’t have to wear a belt if you aren’t tucking, however that’s me.
{related: recent picks for belts to wear with dresses}
Stay tuned for a roundup of our latest preferred “classic” belts for work!
High Waisted Skirt = skinny Belt
A high waisted skirt can look excellent with a skinny belt.  go with a silky blouse or — if you attempt — a bodysuit to get a streamlined look.

Pictured above, a few of our preferred brands for silk button-front blouses as of 2022: 1) Quince ($59!) 2) Boden 3) Everlane* 4) MM.LaFleur* as well as 5) Club Monaco. For more budget-friendly choices inspect Grana as well as Lilysilk; for fancier choices inspect L’Agence, Equipment, as well as Vince.

Here are a few adorable bodysuits (as of 2022) — note that Tuxe, Commando, Paige, Express, free People, Madewell, naked Wardrobe, as well as Intermix all have excellent choices lately. likewise keep an eye on lingerie designers like SKIMS, Wolford as well as Yummie with sometimes-acceptable-for-work options. You can likewise try these unusual suspenders to keep shirts tucked neatly!

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There are a great deal of fun cropped sweatshirts this season that would likewise perhaps look nice with a high-waisted skirt — however I believe it’s finest to prevent the crop top for the office.

(Ladies, what do you wear with high-waisted skirts?)
Pictured at top: Black Halo’s high-waisted pencil skirt, offered solely online; ShopBop likewise has a few colors.
Look for Self-Belted Skirts

Self-belts: A skirt that has a self-belt likewise looks nice with a tucked look. See, for example, the Akris Punto belted look, above.


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